
DERMS: Fact Versus Fiction

Debunking Six Myths about DERs and DERMS

Industry pundits say that starting in 2021, annual capacity from distributed energy resources will surpass centralized generation worldwide. They also predict that electrical demand could easily double in the coming years. Factors like these signal a profound shift in our power grids and a critical need for new solution platforms that can meet the grid stability and reliability demands of a DER-dominant world.

But the realities of what is — and what is not — a DERMS are often murky. Is a DERMS a lightweight ADMS? Or perhaps a heavyweight DRMS? Is a microgrid a DERMS? Where does OMS fit into the picture? The DERMS hype cycle is peaking, and not all DERMS are created equal.

CORP_GuidehouseInsights_LOGO_0320_FINAL_Color-1This white paper from Generac Grid Services and Guidehouse Insights explores six of the most common myths associated with managing the growing complexity of distributed energy resources. It delineates between fact and fiction, with an eye toward helping utilities and energy retailers better understand the opportunities offered by the technology and navigate its evolution as markets begin to fully leverage the value of these assets.

We invite you to download this new piece of thought leadership now.